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CHRIS: How many people are coming to your party, Eva?
EVA: Seriously?
CHRIS: I’m not fucking around.
EVA: Awesome!!
EVA: Now I’m really fucking happy.
SANA: Same
CHRIS: But how many?
EVA: I just wanna celebrate with you
CHRIS: Stop being such a nerd
EVA: Hahahaha
EVA: Okay. Who should we invite?
VILDE: Can we please invite the balloon boys?
VILDE: It would be very good for Magnus and me.
EVA: Didn’t you make up? With trust tests and stuff?
VILDE: I guess. Not completely. I think it would be good if Magnus met Elias face2face and could see with his own eyes that there’s nothing between us
EVA: But won’t it be a moodkiller to invite them when they beat up Isak?
EVA: I seriously can’t be bothered with anymore drama.
VILDE: They didn’t beat up Isak
SANA: How do you know?
VILDE: Saw it.
VILDE: He was drunk and punched Mikael because Even and Mikael were talking. Jealous much? yes I think so.
EVA: I forget you know all the gossip.
CHRIS: Do you think it’s cool Sana? Or do you still have this *no i don’t party with my brother* thing?
SANA: Whatever’s fine with me
CHRIS: Okay, now the guestlist is starting to look like something
CHRIS: I’ll update you