Перевод интервью с Ульрике (Вильде)Перевод интервью с Ульрике (Вильде) (с 5:33)
Host: I think we´ll have a little chat with Vilde, or Ulrikke. Who would you like to be tonight?
Ulrikke: I am Ulrikke, generally.
Host: It is easy for me to forget that, because I´m so used to seeing you as Ulrikke.
Ulrikke: Vilde
Host: Sorry, Ulrikke.
Host: We have 100 questions both for Vilde and Ulrikke. And I´m thinking we will begin with you picking three of these. (pictures of actors on popsicle sticks.) Fuck marry kill. (Explains the rules).
Ulrikke: Marry (holds up Noora)
Host: Why Noora?
Ulrikke: Why? It’s mostly because of Josefine, since I’m so fond of Josefine. Intercourse (shows Elias).
Host: You call it the classy word intercourse?
Ulrikke: Yes, intimacy, yes. And that’s because Simo is so incredibly charming. And then it’s kill (shows William) because I’ve never really had any high thoughts about William.
Host: What about Thomas then?
Ulrikke: Thomas is gorgeous.
Host: Yeah, okay. So you mixed real and false there. But we have to ask you, people, fans, have cheered for a Vilde season. That won’t happen. What do you hope will happen for Vilde in the future?
Ulrikke: That’s tricky to say, but what, for example, what’s happened when we’ve had long breaks, for like a week, a lot happens without us being fully aware of it. So there’s probably a story happening now, too. I hope it turns out alright.
Host: But if you could choose for Vilde, where is she in 5 years?
Ulrikke: She… oh, that was a nice question. I think she’s a teacher at Nissen. I think she just goes back there.
Host: The last clip comes tomorrow. We think, if we’re not fooled and it suddenly appears tonight. We have no idea. What are you gonna miss the most about Skam, now that it’s over?
Ulrikke: Shooting together and meeting there and putting on the costumes. Meeting the costume lady, everybody in the crew and cast and knowing that together you do something so fun and meaningful at the same time.
Host: How important are the Skam fans? Because we have gotten some questions from them, you see. And those I’ll give you.
How was it to tape the scene where we see Vilde at home with her mother without her “mask” on?
Ulrikke: I thought that was very special. I didn’t know who’d play the mother, so I just showed up for taping and it was also something about knowing that I would be main for a day, that now it was all on me, that made me very nervous, but yeah…
Host: It was a beautiful scene. It was a setting we’re not used to seeing Vilde in. So it was kind of good to get to know that secret she’s been carrying around too.
Ulrikke: yes.
Host: One more question from the viewers. How did you feel after the last scene was filmed on Thursday?
Ulrikke: No fuck.. Was that filmed on thursday? Well, when it was filmed is… no I think it was last week. I almost said what we taped, ehhh..
Host: You can say.
Ulrikke: It was very, very, sad. Every time I looked around and noticed the people I’ve been working with for 2 years I cried a lot.
Host: What happens now Ulrikke? Where does your path lead?
Ulrikke: For me? I’ll begin studies eventually.
Host: Do you know what (you want to study)? So you want to get away from acting?
Ulrikke: No, I don’t think that one rules out the other. But I think it’s always good to have an education in the background.
Перевод интервью с Марлоном (Юнас)Перевод интервью с Марлоном (Юнас) (с 10:15)
Host: Ohmygod, here we’re getting Jonas. Hi Jonas, or would you prefer I call you Marlon.
Marlon: Preferably Marlon, yes.
Host: How do you feel now that the shooting of Skam is done?
Marlon: It’s a little weird. I’ve, like, done this for two years. It’s a big part of.. When you do something for this long it tends to become a part of life, in your everyday life, that’s gone now. And that of course feels like a little hole (tomrom = empty space)
Host: You insisted that I should call you Marlon. Will it be good to leave Jonas a little? Do people think you’re Jonas?
Marlon: Yes, quite a few people think that. I think it’ll be great to have my name back.
Host: Back to Jonas. Now we re-enter the Skam universe, because it’s not totally over yet. We have to hold on as long as it’s there. Summer is over, who is Jonas with? Preferably, you think? Is it Emma? Is it Eva?
Marlon: I have to say Eva.
Host: You’re rooting for Eva?
Marlon: Yes, I root for her.
Host: Why?
Marlon: It’s the golden couple and it’s been like that since the first episode.
Host: So it’s Eva and Jonas forever?
Marlon: Yes
Host: In 5 years too?
Marlon: Yes
Host: (motioning to the cards with the characters on them) Pick three. Are you able to guess what we’re doing?
Marlon: No
Host: *explains fuck, marry, kill* You picked girl-Chris, Even and Penetrator-Chris
Marlon: (laughs) I believe I would marry girl Chris, because she is the funniest.
Host: Yeah, she doesn’t get enough room. She’s hilarious.
Marlon: Yes! Or little room, I don’t know. She’s been pretty … well I would marry her though, because you gotta have humour in daily life. And then it’s fuck and kill?
Host: Yes and we’re left with two boys. We guess who you wanna kill as Jonas.
Marlon: I’m a little unsure here.
Host: Will you go in a surprising turn here? It’s between sleeping with or killing Even or Penetrator-Chris.
Marlon: Okay, then I think I would have slept with p-chris
Host: WHAT he’s sleeping with your girl!
Marlon: Well there you go.
Host: That’s life?
Marlon: But I’d sleep with him.
Host: Why do you wanna kill Even?
Marlon: Because he’s the one left.
Host: It was accidental? Someone had to die.
Marlon: Yeah, and it was him.
Host: Jonas. What are you gonna do now. It’s over with Skam at least, where does the path take Marlon next?
Marlon: The path goes through high school. That’s the main focus now. At least after the summer vacation, but now it’s celebrating that we’re done. That we’ve done an amazingly good job. That we’ve made such a good impression.
Host: Do you have any last words for the skam fans? They love (it/you) so much.
Marlon: I just want to say thank you so much, to all of you, without everyone out there it wouldn’t be anything. And I realize that I really appreciate the good feedback, the good comments, we even get gifts, they come where we shoot and bring gifts, from China, from Indonesia, there’s like no end.
Host: You have a lot of international fans. Do you know how to say thank you in other languages than Norwegian?
Marlon: Gracias, Danke, thank you…
Перевод интервью с Ченизом (Юзеф)Перевод интервью с Ченизом (Юзеф) (с 18:18)
Host: “Fy søren” (Slightly milder curse than “fy faen”). Hi Yousef!
Cengiz: No, not Yousef!
Host: Not Yousef tonight?
Cengiz: No, not Yousef.
Host: We’ll treat you like Cengiz. “Jeengizz” (Cengiz corrects her) I’m not so good with pronunciation. How will it be now that Skam is over?
Cengiz: It’s first and foremost very sad, but other people have had more experience in this than me, during those two years.
Host: Yeah, you came in now in the last season.
Cengiz: I came in this last season. But of course I’ve had a lot of memories that I’ll never forget. I’ve built a strong bond with everyone and made new friends in life. And that’s really nice. And that’s what’s sad, that we won’t work together as often. Of course we’ll probably meet in other settings, but not the same setting, and that’s what’s kinda sad.
Host: I see that. It’s a little wistful. But, I watch Skam all the time. I’m obsessed. Always been. And I’ve always wondered what’s sсript and what’s improvisation. Because that scene, just recently, where Yousef and Sana are, like, down at the docks and playing and it’s that shower and the trust test. Is that scripted? Because it looks so real!
Cengiz: That is sсript. That’s why we’re called actors.
Host: How do you manage that? Like how do you prepare for a scene like that, to make that real?
Cengiz: Well, it’s just trying to… It’s not easy. It’s hard. It’s not easy at all. It’s actually one of the hardest scenes I’ve filmed, and I’m sure it was for Iman too. But we’re really good friends, like brother and sister. It’s mostly fun to shoot and when we crack up together, it becomes this real, little flirty vibe on camera, but in reality we’re just cracking up.
Host: Oh, I don’t know if that makes me happy or sad. It’s good that you have such a nice time on set, though.
Cengiz: That is called acting.
Host: Yes. But one thing. Yousef has left for Istanbul. We’ll get a clip tomorrow too, but Yousef comes back from Istanbul in August. What happens? You decide.
Cengiz: What happens? Yousef comes back to Norway. He thinks that’s sad, because his left his Turkish family in Turkey. Most likely he’s talking to Sana. More.
Host: Yes, he hasn’t found a summer fling in turkey?
Cengiz: No Yousef is not like that. Yousef’s not like that. He messed up a short while in the series, but that was because he lost hope but now he has hope.
Host: So he’s holding on to Sana during the summer?
Cengiz: I think he does, yes. If Sana doesn’t marry the basketball player that is.
Host: Yes, that’s true. *Makes Cengiz pick for fuck marry kill* Cengiz gets Jonas, Eva and Sana
Cengiz: Yeah. Everybody. I would marry everyone. Done everyone. I don’t know?
Host: Someone has to go.
Cengiz: Someone what?
Host: Someone you just have to have random sex with.
Cengiz: But I don’t do that. I’m not that kind of person.
Host: No, no. But now we’re in Skam.
Cengiz: Am I answering as Yousef?
Host: Yeah. Or you as a person. Who annoys you the most?
(Ulrikke comes up behind Cengiz’s shoulder) Ulrikke: Marry Vilde!
Cengiz: Yes. Where is Vilde? *goes through all the pictures on the table* I would marry this guy.
Host: Penetrator-Chris?
Cengiz: Yes. And this guy I would fuck (holds up picture of Even). And this guy (holds up picture of Yousef), what would I do with him? What was the last thing?
Host: I think you have to kill yourself.
Cengiz: Then I’ll kill myself.
Host: You sacrifice yourself for Penetrator-Chris?
Cengiz: Of course! My bro, penetrator Chris and my bro Henrik.. Or, Even..
Host: Yeah we keep this in the Skam universe. Host thanks Cengiz.©
Перевод интервью с Ракель (Линн)Перевод интервью с Ракель (Линн) (с 23:09)
Host: Linn. Linn. Hi. So great. We’re not used to seeing you like this.
Rakel: No. That’s what I was thinking. I felt like I needed to bring the guns, like.
Host: And you really did. You look totally gorgeous. How is it for you, now that Skam is getting close to the end?
Rakel: It’s a little weird, feels a little empty, but also okay too.
Host: We’ve asked the listeners out there if they have any questions for you. And we got a question saying: could there be a spin off with kollektivet with eskild and linn? What do you think about that.
Rakel: I’m thinking.. I’ve become more and more fond of my character. In the beginning it was kind of a bummer, you know. You’re gonna be on TV, you finally get to do some acting. I’ve never done that before, and what do I get to act. Almost dead?
Host: But people love you!
Rakel: I’ve become really fond of Linn and now it’s almost sad not getting to be that character anymore.
Host: Everyone has a Linn in their life.
Rakel: I think everyone has a small Linn inside themselves
Host: You think so?
Rakel: Yes
Host: If you weren’t Linn, what character would you be?
Rakel: Good question. I think maybe Noora. I think she’s cool. She’s cool and reflected (we don’t know what she means here lol).
Host: So you’re a little envious of Noora?
Rakel: Yes.
Host: *explains fuck marry kill* Eva, Noora, Eskild
Rakel: Fuck (eva), marry (noora), kill (eskild).
Host: Why?
Rakel: He gets on my nerves, but he also loves me, so its kinda stupid really. (IN WHICH SHE IS LITERALLY LINN)
Host: Why fuck Eva and not Noora?
Rakel: Because I’d rather marry Noora.
Host: You sacrifice everything for Noora.
Rakel: Yeah. yes. I do.
Host: We hope for a spin off of kollektivet, thank you.
Перевод интервью с Иман (Сана)Перевод интервью с Иман (Сана) с 26:00
Host: Here we get the star of the evening.
Iman: Hi.
Host: So great. How are you doing?
Iman: Really good.
Host: How does it feel with your season, how has it been?
Iman: It’s incredible.
Host: How did it go?
Iman: It’s been really good. And I’ve learned so much about myself too, because I’ve never done acting before. Julie Andem is a genius, she brings out sides of you you didn’t know you had. So thanks a lot for that.
Host: You’ve shown a side of Norwegian reality that maybe a lot of people don’t recognize themselves in. Islam that is. And you’ve done it in a really honest way. Do think thats done something to people in Norway? To like, see how that is?
Iman: I hope it has.
Host: How has it been for you then?
Iman: For me? It’s been an honour to be a part of. I’ve tried to contribute as well as I could and do my best.
Host: I think everyone is super happy. I have to ask, what’s been the hardest part of season 4 and playing Sana?
Iman: The hardest part has been acting mad.
Host: yeah. Cuz I’ve seen your Instagram and there you’re always smiling. And then there’s Sana who’s kinda…
Iman: Yes. I remember the first time it said in sсript that Sana smiles, I was like wow! And I got to smile. But angry was hard because it’s hard to be angry when you’re really in a good mood.
Host: Now Yousef left to Istanbul. We’re back in Skam land now. You don’t get to be yourself just yet. We pretend it’s august and Yousef is back. What’s your hope for Sana and Yousef?
Iman: My hope for Sana and Yousef is.. I believe in fate so what happens happens.
Host: But what happens?
Iman: That we don’t know.
Host: Fate decides?
Iman: Fate decides. Unless Julie Andem makes another season..nah.
Host: Was that a hint?
Iman: No, I’m just kidding.
Host: Iman you don’t get to leave before we test you in something that’s become your thing. (motions to carrot and peeler on table)
Iman: Oi!
Host: How good have you gotten at peeling carrots? You should nail this. You’ve gotten some practice.
Iman: Ive gotten some practice. Let’s see.
Host: Can we see you peel a carrot?
Iman: THERE. No hehehe (Iman trying to peel a carrot)
Host: Have you not learned anything from Yousef or?
Iman: It was like this. (peeling carrot lol)
Host: Inwards. She’s got it.
Iman: I can do this!
Перевод интервью с Карлом Мартином (Эскиль)Перевод интервью с Карлом Мартином (Эскиль) с 29:12
Host: Hi. How is it to be Carl Martin and not Eskild?
Carl Martin: The answer to that is that I’ve been Carl Martin my whole life so that’s not a problem at all.
Host: You’re nailing this.
Carl Martin: I’m nailing it.
Host: Fuck (fadern is not as bad as fuck tho, so like a soft fuck), we’re gonna miss Eskild.
CM: Yes, me too.
Host: What’s your hope and dreams for Eskild?
CM: I hope he dies now with Skam and gets a future in the fan’s fantasy. I think that Eskild should get to rest in peace as the guru he is.
Host: Speaking of fans. There’s a theory out there about Eskild and.. Do u know who? Elias.
CM: Aaahhhh.
Host: The fans think something’s going on.
CM: That’s cool but, yeah, I didn’t catch that. But it’s really nice if it is. Are you thinking about him sleeping on the couch?
Host: What really happened there, with him sleeping on the couch? If we play out that fan theory a little? In Eskild’s dreams, what happened?
CM: I can’t answer for Eskild but for myself, what I think happened as a fan; I can say that I think Eskild woke up in the morning and Elias lay on the bed and he made some ciabatta and orange juice and brought that in and tried feeding Elias. And I also think he brought some oils to kinda massage him on his calves.
Host: Oh thats such a Eskild thing to do.
CM: It’s nice to wake up to a little massage and a little cuddle.
Host: When you’re sick?
CM: Most of all when you’re sick! It’s good to get a little breakfast, not much but just a little ciabatta and eggs and stuff. And that’s just nice but then Elias got this twich going through him and then he threw up on Eskild. And that became a challenge that Eskild got onto, but it ended up with Elias leaving without Eskild being able to stop him, that’s what I think. I really don’t think anything happened there. Hasn’t Eskild suggested for Sana that Elias is a nice guy that she could hook up with?
Host: yeah?
CM: Yeah, where she immediately after was like, yeah…
Host: Could we hope for a spin off? An Eskild and Elias spin off?
CM: More like a Linn and Eskild spin off then haha
Host: Kollektivet? Yes, cuz that’s what a lot of people want to happen.
CM: Yes. I got that. I think that’s fun. That would be a different type of show. When Skam is done one maybe has time to make something new.
Host: Yes, and you attend acting school?
CM: Teaterskolen (theater school in oslo)
Host: You’ll stick to the acting after Skam?
CM: Yes, I don’t have much choice I have some credits (towards a degree) left to finish before I can study abroad.. But I’m enjoying it a lot.
Host: You just need to pass exams and those three years and it will be okay with studying abroad.
CM: And then we’ll see what happens after.
Host: Lots of luck!
CM: Thanks a lot. I think it’s really fun that you brought a carrot.
Host: You think so? Would you like to have a go?
CM: Can I just give a tip? If you’re gonna eat a carrot raw, peel it. But if you’re gonna cook it, don’t peel it. It’s a waste.
Интервью с Адамом, Симо, Мутасимом и Юзефом (Адам, Элиас, Мута, Микаэль)Интервью с Адамом, Симо, Мутасимом и Юзефом (Адам, Элиас, Мута, Микаэль) с 33:17
Host: Gutta boys. Hi. How are you doing tonight?
Adam: Good, very good. We’re enjoying ourselves.
Host: Even though Skam is over?
Simo: Yeah that’s sad, but it’s cosy atmosphere here.
Adam: Yes, everyone’s together.
Host: What will you miss the most?
Simo: The chemistry behind the camera. Everybody is like a little family, to put it that way.
Adam: I’m also gonna miss meeting everybody. Now we’ve met them regularly. Halla gutta (at the other boys).
(Mutta and Yousef walk over)
Host: *explains about the carrot* You guys are the cool boys that joined in season 4 and just changed quite a lot. How has it been to play these guys?
Adam: Very fun, very new for all of us. We’ve never acted before and suddenly a lot happened over a short amount of time. But we’ve become good friends, all of us in the balloon squad as we call ourselves.
Host: Were you Skam fans before you joined yourselves?
Simo: I’ve watched all the seasons, all the episodes, so you could say that I was a little Skam fan before I joined.
Mutasim: I got into it a little late, during season 3. I marathoned season 1 and 2.
Host: you binged everything.
Mutasim: I binged everything.
Host: If you weren’t playing yourselves, who would you play?
*discussing the question*
Adam: Sana, she has an important role. If we can choose regardless of gender, I would pick Sana. Sana has an important and really good part.
Host: Why is it important?
Adam: We are, or not all of us, but we are muslims. And we’ve felt this that not everybody’s fans of muslims. I think Iman, or Sana, or the whole season has given a good view of Islam to the entire country, or all of Europe really.
Host: Do you feel this has been less represented, especially for youth? Before this season 4 of Skam?
Adam: Absolutely. It hasn’t been (represented). At least in movies. And very often when you hear about Islam it’s in a negative setting. So save from Karpe Diem and Skam it’s often negative. Its absolutely been lacking. But I think this season made up for a lot of that, this was a very good season.
Yousef: One thing Skam is really good at is normalizing controversial subjects and Islam is really relevant now, so I think it was really reassuring, especially for you guys (to the guys), I’m not really muslim myself, but to have a representative that actually…yeah..
Host shows him the cards on the table, mutta yousef and simo all pick them up but Simo goes first.
simo: (holding the cards) do I show all three or one or-
host: all three
simo reacts to the pictures (“oy!!”)
host mentions something about now we see what happens on skam(???)
Host: that is Sana, Yousef, and Linn
simo: yes
host: now we play… fuck, marry, kill.
mutta and yousef start laughing and simo kinda falters
(host kinda explains what the game is but she goes a bit away from her mic so I can’t hear what I already don’t understand lmao)
simo: wife, marry-
mutta says something quick and laughs
host: it’s just a game!
simo slurs like an entire sentence together rip me (I think he asks what the options are again, like repeat the game?)
host: fuck, marry, kill.
simo: fuck, marry, kill…. Sana, she is pretty (…)
host: your sister
simo: my sister (says something about her being a good character/person)
host: wife?
simo: yes
host nods
Mutta and Yousef look at each other and laugh awkwardly
host: yousef and linn
simo: yousef and linn
host: will you kill linn or yousef?
simo struggles, says something about characters idfk
host: you can kiss, you can kiss
simo: kiss linn, kill yousef
ugh fast stuff again mutta helping simo out
simo: not for me (???) motions to himself and laughs
© ©
Перевод интервью с Хенриком (Эвен)Перевод интервью с Хенриком (Эвен) (с 44:02)
A: Hi.
Н: Hi, Henrik.
A: Adelina. Nice to meet you. You have a very firm handshake.
H: I’m a bit clammy, I’ve been wearing this bubble jacket.
A: You look very cool.
H: Thanks. You too.
A: Skam’s over.
H: It is.
A: Holy crap, what are your thoughts?
H: Holy crap or fy faen.
A: Fy fy faen.
H: Right.
A: What are your thoughts about that?
H: It’s bitter and sweet at the same time, if you know what I mean. It’s something that’s a huge part of being a teenager. So it’s been nice to finally step into adult life, because I'm a bit older than the rest of the crew. I can finally be an adult and get some responsibilities.
A: What are you going to do now that you’re an adult?
H: Like... begin studying and do stuff like that.
A: Does every adult have to study?
H: Not at all, but in my career you’d want to learn some techniques and get experience.
A: Let’s return to the Skam-universe. We’re diving in. We’ve asked the viewers for questions. Many have wondered what it was like for you and Isak to act as a gay couple. What was that like on set?
H: Short summary: a part of the audition process was to figure out if we worked together. So we did a lot of work beforehand in which me and Tarjei had to get comfortable with each other, because if we weren’t, then the show wouldn’t have been as genuine as it is. To be comfortable with each other is important no matter what your job is, and most definitely if you're going to make out shirtless and do that kind stuff that a lot of other people wouldn’t dare to do. It was really important to be comfortable. When we exceeded that barrier, had become mends and knew that we can do this without it turning into something, without there being anything homosexual between Tarjei and Henrik, when you’re aware of that, then you don’t have to stress about it. Then you can do everything in character.
A: So it was easy to separate your job and private life?
H: Yes, it was, because we’re that certain about ourselves and aware of it. We were very aware of it and that made it easier to not hold anything back. So when me and Tarjei got to know each other, then it was no problem to film make-out scenes over and over again. Because making out is not that difficult as long as you believe that you’re in love with the person you’re kissing. That’s more of a struggle.
A: I get that. It looked very convincing. Skam bring up a lot of difficult issues and handles them in a way that touches people. You can have this (mic). Mental illness, that came with Even. What was it like for you to do take that character?
E: That’s what’s been difficult with portraying that character. You have to step carefully when it comes to mental illness. You have to portray it in the right way. So the first thing I thought of was to do it carefully, and not turn it into a parody of having a mental illness, because there are a lot of people to function, work hard and don't
even think about their mental illness. The biggest impact it's had on me, are all the people who come up to me saying how much this character means to them.
A: Because they’re the majority?
H: There are more of them than there are gays in Norway that need this. There’s a higher demand for role models with mental illnesses.
A: Do we need more openness?
H: Of course. That’s what’s important in the world. To be open and including no matter what type of people or what preferences they have, and have respect and think that we’re of equal worth. The differences in the world’s increasing. That’s why we need to be more aware of what’s going on.
A: It’s so nice to hear you say this. I think it’s so weird that Skam’s over, but that’s just how it goes.
H: It’s really weird.
A: I hope you enjoy this evening and that we’ll see more of you and that you won’t disappear.
H: I hope so.
A: Have a nice evening, it’s all yours.
H: You too.
A: Thank you.
Перевод интервью с Иной (Крис)Перевод интервью с Иной (Крис) 49:23
Host: Do you want to come over here Ina? Hi. here’s a mic for you
Ina: Thank you. This looks intriguing, what is it? (picks up one of the pictures)
Host: It’s fuck marry kill.
Ina: Nooo
Host: Do you want to try? Marry, kill, kiss maybe?
Ina: marry, kill, kiss?
Host: You picked three? Even, cuz it’s the skam version, Even, William and Penetrator-Chris. Kiss? Kiss Even?
Ina: Yes.
Host: Kiss Even. Why?
Ina: He looks like a good kisser.
Host: Looks like a good kisser? Who would you kill? William or Penetrator-Chris? The two big wolves.
Ina: William. Because he has Noora. I’m jealous.
Host: He takes her away from you.
Ina: yes.
Host: You kill William? Is it stone cold?
Ina: No. It’s not that stone cold. I feel a little bad immediately after, but then it’s okay.
Host: Okay. And lastly marry. Penetrator-Chris? What?
Ina: Everyone has a little crush on p-chris
Host: You know what, you’re absolutely correct. Now, it’s no more Girl-Chris, what happens for Ina?
Ina: Ina, she’ll attend, I’m referring to myself as a third party…
Host: That’s fine…
Ina: I’m attending Teaterhøgskolen (theater school in oslo) for two more years. I’m done with one year now. Summer holiday. Really good. Then I’ll go for two more years, and after that I don’t really know where my path leads.
Host: It’s kinda nice not always knowing where the path leads really.
Ina: Yeah it’s kinda good.
Host: What’s your dream role, when you’re done with your acting education?
Ina: I spoke of that earlier too. And I’ve kinda always done acting since I was little.
Host: Yeah, cuz you acted in Linus i Svingen (Norwegian tv series).
Ina: I was.
Host: Yes. Åsa (name of character).
Ina: Åsa. Little Åsa. That’s why I always wanted to be an actor. To stand on stage and..
Host: I must say you’ve done quite well.
Ina: Thank you.
Host: You’re well along.
Ina: I just want to do what I think is fun. I just want to do what I like. So I don’t have any dream roles. Just like what I said when I was little, I want to be on stage and be part of a theater play. That I want to do someday, I hope I get to do that. As long as that’s what I want to do, I’m happy.
Host: We’re rooting for you, Ina. And I’m wondering if you could greet our viewers who are kinda dying right now. The Skam fans are the best fans.
Ina: I know. They are so fantastic! You’re so good. And there wouldn’t be a Skam without you, and that’s totally true. That comes from my heart, it wouldn’t be Skam without fans! It would have been something else. Yeah you do so much good.
(Host says goodbye)
Перевод интервью с Юзефиной (Нура)Перевод интервью с Юзефиной (Нура) с 52:52
Host: Josefine Pettersen. Hi.
Josefine: Hi.
Host: Now I’m kinda like is it Noora? Is it Josefine? Tonight you are Josefine.
Josefine: Yes.
Host: How is it to finally come here and not be Noora for everybody?
Josefine: No that is nice. It’s alright.
Host: People on the street think you’re Noora?
Josefine: Yes. I understand that really well, though. It’s the only thing people have seen of me. What’s on screen is Noora. And Noora has my face. So I understand, who else would I be?
Host: But Noora doesn’t have your dialect?
Josefine: No.
Host: How has it been to play Noora?
Josefine: It’s been awesome. I’ve become really fond of Noora. It’s so weird to say good bye to Noora that has been a part of Josefine for 2 years.
Host: Does Josefine relate to Noora? Or another character from Skam maybe?
Josefine: I think I relate a little bit to everyone, both guys and girls. At least from when I was in first year of vgs (high school). Yeah I think you relate a little bit to everyone.
Host: Yeah, that insecurity many people feel?
Josefine: Yes. Like “who am i gonna be” and..trying to decide.
Host: Yes. Cuz Noora has been the most focused on. Are you like Noora in real life?
Josefine: We have similarities, but I think everyone does.
Host: Biggest difference between Noora and Josefine?
Josefine: That Noora doesn’t wear mascara. No..
Host: Noora had her own season. And that was some season. What was most difficult to shoot?
*changes mic*
Josefine: Everything with Nico and the naked picture. Because I just thought: shit this happens to girls in real life every day. And that insecurity Noora felt and how she went totally into herself and got so depressed. I felt with her. You just read about it everywhere and you know it happens.
Host: yeah, cuz you knew it was important.
Josefine: Yes. So then I felt it was kinda hard.
Host: *rambles a little* If you could choose for Noora, where would Noora be in ten years?
Josefine: If I decide, I hope Noora and William are still together.
Host: Really?
Josefine: Oh my god, Yeah!
Host: Do they have kids?
Josefine: In ten years.. How old are they then..
Host: 27
Josefine: Nah maybe not, they travel and stuff..
Host: What have they become?
Josefine: Maybe she becomes a journalist.
Host: And william has applied to law school?
Josefine: Yeah!
Host: (Explains Fuck marry kill and turns it into Fuck marry KISS instead.)
Josefine: But we can’t do this. That’s not allowed!
Host: You said you wanted to do it.
Josefine: Yeah, but I didn’t know it was them. No I can’t do it. That’s going too far.
Host: it’s what the young kids play nowadays.
Josefine: I thought I was young? I don’t play this.
Host: You don’t have to if you don’t want to. But it’s cool if you do.
Josefine: People played this with you? Did anyone kill me?
Host: No
Josefine: I dont think anyone killed anyone.
Host: oh yeah they did.
Josefine: It’s the characters right?
Host: Yes. And you got Isak, Elias and girl-Chris.
Josefine: No, I don’t dare.
Host: You don’t have to.
Josefine: I’ll marry them all.
Host: that’s an awesome marriage.
Host thanks Josefine and wishes her best of luck etc.
@темы: видео, Sana Bakkoush/Iman Meskini, Vilde Hellerud Lien/Ulrikke Falch, Isak Valtersen/Tarjei Sandvik Moe, Jonas Noah Vasquez/Marlon Langeland, Even Bech Naesheim/Henrik Holm, Noora Amalie Saetre/Josefine Frida Pettersen, Magnus Fossbaken/David Alexander Sjoholt, Linn Larsen Hansen/Rakel Ofsti Nesje, Eva Kviig Mohn/Lisa Teige, Chris Berg/Ina Svenningdal, balloon squad, Mahdi Disi/Sacha Kleber Nyiligira, Sonja/Theresa Frostad Eggesbo, интервью