

Mari Magnusis sitting in Eva's old room, looking slightly wistful. Eva is Skam-Eva, thegirl that speaks with the Bergen dialect. The filming of the 6th episode ofseason 4 is underway, and soon Skam will be history. After the summer break,Mari Magnus will no longer be writing Eva, Sana and the other characters'messages. She will no longer be spending her nights familiarizing herself withwhat 16-year-olds chat about. And she will not be watching the young actors sheadmires so much film their scenes.

— Skam has become a lifestyle, she says,having spent two years in the universe of NRK's most talked about TV seriesever.

As netproducer, she works closely with writer and director Julie Andem, almost dayand night when the show is airing. Magnus runs the character's fictitiousInstagram accounts and writes the characters' messages. These days she isinside Sana's head particularly, the last main character of the show.

Thedie-hard fans do not agree with Skam ending after season 4. "Oh my God,last season! But why?" an American Skam fan screamed on YouTube when itwas announced the end is near.

But soonthe US will be getting its own version. That is why Mari Magnus traveled to LosAngeles earlier this year. The webpage skam.p3.no is a very important part ofthe show, and has over one million weekly unique visitors. The daily updateshave created a society of their own and an excitement neither of theshowrunners could even dream of when they began their research.

— It is completely crazy everything that hashappened since we in 2014 were searching for 16-year-olds we could interviewuntil we travelled to LA to pass on knowledge about Skam, she says and shakesher head thinking about all the requests they are receiving.

Why did aTV-series about teens in Oslo become an international hit? How did a young andnewly graduated girl from Bergen become one of the key people in thisfairytale? How was her time at Fana gymnasium1 compared to whathappens at the HartvigNissen school at Frogner2? We'll soon get the answers.

First alittle update on Skam’s success to readers who are not yet familiar with"hooke" = “to make out" and "rulle/rulling" ="(to) party on a russ bus that drives very slowly”.

From messages between girls:

[The others tried to get an invite to "rulling". I don't know if they succeeded.


Since thefirst episode about the small group of students at Hartvig Nissen aired in the fall of 2015, Skam has gained a very dedicated fanbase. Thousands of Danes, Swedes,Norwegians and about 6 million Chinese have seen the first three seasons whereEva, Noora and Isak are the main characters. In China and Turkey, Skam cannotbe shown on TV because of the relationship between Isak and Even, so youngpeople volunteer to subtitle the series and upload the clips to video sharingsites like YouTube.

Here athome "Skam safari" has become a thing. Hartvig Nissen, the school that was randomly picked for theshow, gets busloads of fans visiting. Skam is discussed everywhere, and thisfall it will even be a case at the media science course at the University ofOslo.

The musicof Norwegian artists used on the show, among them several from Bergen that MariMagnus has recommended, are suddenly having big hits in our neighboringcountries, and "Alt er love" = ''Everything is love/everything is allowed", "Livet er nå" = ''Life is now" andother Skam quotes are printed on clothes.

Facts:Mari Magnus

Mari Magnusemphasizes that the showrunners' mandate is to relate to the target audience,Norwegian girls and boys around16-years-old, but she thinks it's nice if Skam can help young people elsewherein the world, to for instance come out as gay. Many, like members of the DanishFacebook group KosegruppaDK, tell stories of how they have madenew friends because of Skam.

— We never expected this kind of response, andall the buzz feels quite unreal. It's a lot of fun, but at the same time itseems like Skam has become clickbait, and I am a bit tired of that. She isthinking about all the articles written about Skam.

— Regardless, I think I'll have to wait untilit's all over before I sit down and really take it all in. Since the beginning,I have tried to focus on the show and block everything else out, says Magnus asshe is leaving work at Marienlyst3for the day.

She studiedExperience and Event design and got an internship at NRK when she wrote herbachelor thesis about the web series "Jenter" = “Girls". This series was also directed by Andem. Magnus' plan wasstudy for a film degree in Copenhagen, but she is happy that she now, afterworking on Skam, has a permanent job at NRK.

— It's my own choice that I am working somuch. I don't have children and my husband understands because he himself worksin the industry, she says about the man she married in 2015.

She also admits she has started working out, for the first time in manyyears. She loves Instagram, but has not really updated her personal account lately.NRK journalist Per Crhistian Magnus is her father. Her private life is notreally something she wants to talk about. Regardless, her head is filled withSkam.

ThursdayApril 27th, 8:30PM: Folketeateret (ThePeople's Theater) at Youngstorget4in Oslo is filled withpeople from the information and advertising industry. "Gulltaggen",the award show for digital marketing, takes place the day before Skam's episode4 of season 4 is released.

"Doyou like Skam?" the host shouts from the stage. "Yeeees!", theaudience shouts back and gives a trio from Skam's editorial staff a big roundof applause. They have just won the "Most disruptive of the Year"award. This award is given to someone in Scandinavia that has been responsiblefor significant changes in the market, changing user behavior.

Projectleader Marianne Furevold-Boland praises Mari Magnus for her work, whereasMagnus thanks NRK for the opportunity to create the series. She also thanks thetarget audience for their enthusiasm.

"You'rewelcome", the host in her 30’s says smiling. The audience laughs, theyknow very well they’re not the show's target audience. Nevertheless, they alllove the show.

After the award show, the trio goes to celebrate with the sparkling winethat came with the prize. A woman in her 40's comes up to their table.

— I loveSkam, especially what happens on the webpage, the woman says. At work, everyonethat is watching the show in real timeis notified when there is an update. When that happens, I usually tellthe others I must go to the bathroom, or I sneak out of meetings, the womansays, giggling shamelessly.

Thecreators of Skam don't know how many awards they have won, but on May 12th,Skam can win even more at Gullruten in Bergen.

— Why has Skam become such a huge success?

— I think it is because it's a show aboutbeing human. It feels real, also to people older than the target audience, saysFurevold-Boland. She has worked at NRK for a long time, but she's neverexperienced anything like this.

Mari Magnusagrees that the series has something universal to it.

— Everything feels so intense at that age. Theteenage years are only a small part of our lives, but it is a defining periodwhere you try to find out who you are or who you want to be. This is somethingeveryone can relate to, whether you are on your way there or have been there,she says.

— Can the fact that so many adults follow theshow make it less cool with the 16-year-olds?

— I know that the target audience is stillfollowing the show, and that is important. If we had lost them, Skam would havelost its purpose.

Magnusthinks it is wonderful that young people are using the comment section andtogether discover new truths, whether it be about rape or homosexuality.

— The target audience writes so many touching,funny and cool things. I feel like giving all of them a hug. However, there aretimes when the teenagers are called out by what I feel are moralizing adults. Ireally wish the target audience could have the comment section to themselves.

Not all 16and 17-year-olds feel they can relate to all the partying and the importance ofthe russ buses at HartvigNissen.

— Skam does not represent a whole generation.We use the school at Frogneras a reference pointand follow these young people uncompromisingly. The narrower you tell a story,the stronger and clearer it becomes.

The show'smission is big enough: Give young girls more self-confidence. The pressure whenit comes to looks and grades is something the creators were told repeatedlywhen they interviewed teenagers in the research period. By using humor andself-mockery as tools, the show aims to "help 16-year-old girls see whatthey can gain by confronting their fears and remove pressure'', Skam's missionstatement reads.

— "Can be too preachy", ВТ columnist Emilio Sanhuezawrote about the show. What do you think about this statement?

— His criticism is very wage, I don’t reallyknow how to respond to it.

Mari Magnuswas russ at Fana Gymnasium in 2008. In other words, it's only been 10 yearssince she was as old as Sana, Noora, Eva, Chris and Vilde are now. So, what isdifferent now?

— The biggest difference is that social mediais such a big part of your identity. A few years back, we could go home afterschool and take a break from comparing ourselves to others. Now the perfectlife is so visually present all the time. At the same time, the Internetcreates more openness and more common references. My impression is that today'syouth generally are not very judgmental and intolerant.

— Has working on Skam reminded you of thingsfrom your own adolescence?

— Yes, from my time in high school I rememberhow easily a rumor became truth and how unimportant things were blown out ofproportion. I think the reason why, is that the russ celebration and the natureof the age you're at magnify your feelings, both the good and the bad. And thefact that everyone has different expectations of what for instance a russ busis supposed to be or not. In that way adolescence is very similar and easilyrecognizable.

"Ascript based on tons of research", a critic wrote about Skam. A part ofthis credit goes to Magnus. She has been a part of it since the beginning whenNRK decided to make something for those 16-year-olds that are not reallyinterested in watching regular television. Through research papers, interviewsand Instagram stalking, she learned a lot about how teenagers communicate andwhat challenges and needs they have.

— It's an important target audience to listento and get to know. To reach them, you must take them seriously and buildtrust.

The Skamteam realized early on that in order to reach this group, they had to becareful, and by all means not launch the innovation on NRK1, the channel theirparents watch. Teenagers are far more likely to listen to recommendations frompeers rather than from parents.

Becausefilming takes place so close to the air date, comments from the website'scomment section sometimes influence the content in the clips and the chats onthe website.

— We usually hear it right away if somethingis not quite right. The actors also have a say in the way they deliver their lines. We listen to ourviewers, they have a tiny bit of control, but not full control. If that was thecase, we would have a season with Isak and Even making out in every clip.

Severalstories the creators were told during the interviews have been made into scenesin Skam. An example is the scene where Isak tells his friend Jonas he likesboys.

— It is a lovely scene with a lovely commentsection. It's so motivating and touching to read it.

The Sanacharacter was created after an interview with a Muslim girl in Drammen who wanted to see an independent and cool girlin the hijab. Through Sana, Magnus has learned a lot about Islam and thechallenges a young Muslim girl can face.

— Who do you see yourself in the most out ofall the Skam characters?

— All of them, both the girls and the boys. Ialso hear a lot of other people say that, that all the characters havecharacter traits you see in yourself.

One caneasily imagine Sana, Eva and the other characters living on in Mari Magnus'head. She does not yet know what she is going to do after Skam.

— The only thing I know, is that I am going ona long vacation.

1Fana Gymnasium is a senior highschool in Bergen, the second-largest city in Norway

2Frogner is the borough in Oslo wherethe Hartvig Nissen school is located

3Marienlyst is the place in Oslowhere NRK is located

4 Youngstorget is a public square downtown Oslo


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