?): I need some help. I’m doing research for Sana’s Eid party.
?: What is Eid?
?: Is it Muhammad’s birthday?
?: The interney says it’s a bit like Christmas
ELIAS: maybe
EKLIAS: It’s not Muhammad’s birthday
?: When is His birthday then
?: Do I meet up at Maghrib or Iftaar? Should I bring snacks and gifts? Should I wear flats? A folk costume? Necklaces? Will there be dancing? Should I contribute with songs to a Spotify playlist? Are there Eid stores?
ELIAS: just go down to grønland and ask for a standard Eid package
ELIAS: and remember when you pay in the store, you have to put in your code backwards because arabic countries read from the right
ESKILD: No, you can’t just wear the blue summer dress! Okay, this is the most important holiday to Muslims. It’s not a whore and pimp party.
LINN: But do I have to wear a veil?
ESKILD: Yes, you have to wear a veil, Linn. It’s like if Sana showed up to your place on Christmas in sweatpants. Do you think your mother, Mette, would’ve been happy about that? She wouldn’t. She would’ve been angry. Linn.. What’s up with you these days?
LINN: Do you think Noora is going to move out?
ESKILD: Come and sit down. You know that Noora loves us a lot, right? And that.. Even though we’re not fans of William.. Noora is much better than him, but she should be allowed to live her life, right? And I think we just have to be very good friends to her and support her no matter what she does. And I think that even though she doesn’t always show it, Noora loves us very much and wants us to be happy. And we’re going to be happy. And do you know why? Because we have each other and I’m going to take care of you and you’re going to take care of me. It’s you and me against the world.
LINN: The two of us against the world.
ESKILD: You’re so nice. I also want one. A veil, but I can’t. Should we drink some Pepsi Max? You had a booger.